Ubisoft’s Yves Guillemot on new Splinter Cell: “want to come back,” “can’t say much today”

I’m pretty sure that a lot of gamers were disappointed when Ubisoft’s E3 2018 conference ended, and that’s because the French company did not reveal any new Splinter Cell game. However, Ubisoft’s Yves Guillemot did say in a brief interview with Geoff Keighley that the company wants to return to this franchise.

As Guillemot said when asked about the absence of Splinter Cell from Ubisoft’s E3 2018 conference.

“So we love the brand first. We, er, we really, er, want to come back with it at some point but I can’t say much today.”

Now I have to be honest here, this sounds similar to what we heard in 2017. Back in E3 2017, Yves Guillemot stated that Ubisoft was going to pick one of the sketches and proposals it has been receiving.

“What we can say is we’re receiving a lot of sketches and proposals around the brand and we’re going to pick one up. I think you will be able to see something, but you will have to wait for that.”

Some people believe that Sony may surprise everyone and will reveal a new Splinter Cell game during its E3 2018 press conference, however, this seems unlikely.

Yves Guillemot Comments On Splinter Cell's E3 2018 No-Show

Thanks CulturedVultures