The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild feature 2

Breath of the Wild gets a DLC-sized Mod, adding new free content

Waikuteru and a team of modders have released a free DLC-sized mod/expansion for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This unofficial DLC/expansion adds a lot of free content to the game, and is compatible with CEMU.

Going into more details, Second Wind overhauls existing content like shrines. It also adds new mechanics such as crafting, and provides a number of Quality of Life improvements.

Furthermore, players can expect new areas to explore, as well as some new challenges.

Second Wind brings 15 side quests, 8 new areas, 2 heart containers, 12 One-Handed Swords and 10 Two-Handed Swords. It also packs 4 Spears, 4 Bows, 12 Shields and 35 Armour pieces. Lastly, it adds 8 Enemies, 28 Animals, 13 Bosses and 20 NPCs.

You can download this fan expansion for Breath of the Wild from here. Do note that it also requires BCML in order to install it on Cemu, otherwise it won’t work.

Have fun!

BRAND-NEW! Shop System, Location, NPC and More! (Second Wind) - Zelda Breath of the Wild

Thomas is a close friend to John ‘john2’ and John ‘WhatGoesAroundComesAround’. Thomas, John and John basically came with the idea of DSOGaming. Thomas has been helping John with News articles these past years, and prefers to stay in the background than the foreground.