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The future of EA’s Bioware

EA’s Bioware is currently working on three different games, with one of them being the remastered trilogy of Mass Effect. The other two are new chapters in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series.

Bioware’s latest looter-shooter did not perform well. EA was clearly not pleased, thus Anthem 2.0 has been officially cancelled, and the game is now resting in peace. In addition, Mass Effect Andromeda, which was Bioware’s previous title, was disappointing as well.

Bioware created some of the best role-playing games ever made. Games like Buldur’s Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and of course Mass Effect. Bioware were once among the best, but now it seems they lost their way.

Most of the veteran developers have left the studio, along with more than 150 senior developers. Bioware Montreal was basically shut down, and many of the developers moved to Motive and Bioware Austin.

Evidently Bioware had several problems during the last few years. Also, EA has a long history of closing down studios. Bioware’s next game might be the last, or maybe it will be a new beginning for the studio.

Unfortunately, based on their last two games the future of Bioware looks uncertain. Hopefully, Bioware will not waste this opportunity to please the fans by delivering an excellent remastered version of the original trilogy.

If you want to know more you can watch the video below.

BioWare's In Trouble... 150+ Senior Devs Quit & The Sad Truth of Dragon Age 4/Mass Effect 4

Thanks LegacyKillaHD.

Chris was born in the early 80’s along with the very birth of home gaming. After spending many maaany drachmas on arcades, his father decided to buy him a PC instead of going bankrupt. He lived through the advancing and development of the gaming industry, having played TONS of games on all platforms. He is always honest and will never hesitate to give his true opinion on a game no matter what. Loves stealth games and dislikes microtsansactions, DLC and pre-ordering…who doesn’t after all?! Contact: Email