Comments on: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 cannot run Dead Space Remake with constant 60fps at native 4K/Ultra Settings PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More Thu, 02 Feb 2023 03:41:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob Cram Thu, 02 Feb 2023 03:41:44 +0000 In reply to Meh.

I used to do this also in my videos. I would ignore all the heads in the comments telling me it was CPU bottleneck and would defend to the bone my aged CPU. Until I finally upgraded and did a comparison video and noticed a 15-20% increase in FPS. DUH!!!

By: MMAddict Tue, 31 Jan 2023 14:21:32 +0000 Running it at 4k getting 80 fps at ultra. Steps: use dldsr to go above 4k, use dlss quality to render image back to 4k

This game runs just fine on my laptop though, raytracing is a luxury, not a need. Most games look just as good without it, almost none run well with it (the ones that do dont even look better with it on).

Im all for having settings that are optional and hard to run, as I upgrade my pc my games will look better. The games are future proofed.

You can complain about it and say they shouldnt have rtx at all, and remove the option for everyone else because it makes you feel bad, but no one is making you turn it on ?

By: MMAddict Tue, 31 Jan 2023 09:16:49 +0000 In reply to Warrior88.

‘A black’.

Ok, ‘A cracker’

By: Mein Führer Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:03:51 +0000 In reply to I’mWithJoe.

I’m not so called “triggered”, I just think it’s pathetic they’re projecting mental illness into these games.

By: Rodrigo Lopes Mon, 30 Jan 2023 11:56:57 +0000 In reply to thartist.

Bad bad bad!

By: TacticalBro Mon, 30 Jan 2023 11:49:28 +0000 In reply to unspok3n.

I’m sorry but that’s BS. When devs makes a game – they consider a performance budget. They consider what configuration they target as an absolute top limit… and then step down from that. Because, of course, no GPU is powerful enough to do 1:1 real life graphics and probably won’t be for another 20 years. Yet we are talking 4090 here. A $2000 videocard that struggles with the game. That means devs have effed up big time, plain and simple.

Of course if devs really aimed for the “future GPUs” like it was the case with Crysis and Kingdom Come Deliverance – they would’ve stated as much in the game. But Dead Space certainly doesn’t look like it needs a future tech.

By: damastaGR Mon, 30 Jan 2023 10:21:13 +0000 In reply to unspok3n.

The game takes place in a similar setting as the Calisto Protocol (i.e not open world). So since CP can run better and looks better, it is reasonable to assume DSR is not optimized well enough

By: I'mWithJoe Mon, 30 Jan 2023 09:10:23 +0000 In reply to Bruce.

Not really because DX11 can only handle 4 threads efficiently and the rest not so much because when it came out in late 2008 everything was still dual core with a handful of 4 core at the high end and Hyperthreading only existed in Xeon CPUs.

DX11 is a high level API meaning it is easier to use but has limitations in threading, memory allocation/transfers and basically a FIFO shader pipeline and the API itself handles the CPU threading

DX12 is a low level API which means it’s harder to use and it’s up to the game engine developers to handle threading/ memory and it has parallel and out of order shader pipeline that again is harder to use

DX11 is like BASIC and DX12 is like C and the biggest problem is developers thinking they can just modify an old DX11 game engine and make it work with DX12 but just like converting a program written in BASIC to work in C you can’t directly convert it you have to start over from scratch

CDPR uses a DX11 game engine (Red Engine) in Witcher 3, Ubisoft uses a DX11 game engine (AnvilNext 2.0) for Assassin’s Creed and Dead Space is using a DX11 game engine (Frostbite 3) and they all tried to convert it to DX12 and failed ….. It took well over a year after release before CDPR got the Red Engine working in Cyberpunk properly and then they turned around and made the exact same mistake with Witcher 3 mainly because all their best devs are tied up with Cyberpunk and still are which is why I don’t expect a proper fix until the announce the date for the Cyberpunk DLC which will free up those guys to work on Witcher 3

By: I'mWithJoe Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:58:13 +0000 In reply to Mein Führer.

They did it just to Trigger guys like you …… They are probably sitting around laughing about it right now ….. Kind of like I am …..

By: I'mWithJoe Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:45:36 +0000 In reply to shredenvain.

AMD Ryzen cores are AMD Ryzen cores …. RDNA graphics are RDNA graphics ….. Sony uses 36 CUs and they are basically the same CUs and count that a 5700 non-XT has with the exception of 1. Being lower TDP and 2. Using lower clock speeds because of number 1 …. The CPU is a Ryzen 3700 chiplet with the same rules as the GPU it has, 1. Being lower TDP and 2. Using lower clock speeds because of number 1

To gain more performance MS add a few more CUs (52) while Sony decided they would up the clock speed of the GPU at the expense of the clock speed of the CPU and needing a more expensive and possibly problematic cooling solution (Liquid metal in a consumer grade device is just asking for trouble down the road) Problem with that is Ray Tracing needs both more GPU and CPU power so they Upscale using a method that’s not even as good as FSR 1.0 and no where close to DLSS 2.x
