Comments on: PS5-exclusive Returnal appears on Steam database, codenamed “Oregon” PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More Thu, 02 Jun 2022 21:09:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: PB Thu, 02 Jun 2022 21:09:29 +0000 In reply to juanme555.

Nope. I’m saying your sample size isn’t representative of all women, this is basic stats.

You have no idea what “the norm” is because you’re just one guy in Argentina.

You keep talking about “the real world” yet don’t understand that your little bubble of existence isn’t all there is to earth or all there is to women who play games.

By: juanme555 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:42:46 +0000 In reply to PB.

“will go bankrupt anyways”

No, there is an expectation from Publishers toward developers as to how much of a loss they can take, or how much of a profit they think, sometimes, they can be fiscally irresponsible when there is Venture Capital at play.

“aneurysm anytime a PC is female because this is would be a self-solving problem.”

Nobody is having any “aneurysm” i started the thread off by asking “why are they so determined to making us play as women?” eventually, teenage coomers (who make the bulk of the purchasing power in this market) will find it stale, and these western studios cant all possibly be hoping to get the same capital injection from VC’s doing the same thing.

“The big flaw in your reasoning is that you assume any male player will refuse to buy a game if it has a female PC”

No, what i find obnoxious is the fact that they’re virtue signaling to a crowd that wont ever even see their cringeworthy virtue signal, “look, im a western studio, i made the playable character female because we need to include women in video games, whatcha think queens? :D” Meanwhile, 20 y.o girls are out partying, doing drugs, and watching netflix, never to touch a mouse and keyboard or a controller, THAT is the dynamic that im disgusted by….its so pathetic, so embarassing, can you not see it?

“But most gamers aren’t manchildren (just a few on this site)”
The vast majority of men in general are manchildren, that includes almost all gamers too.

“who throw a hissyfit when the PC doesn’t look like them. So it doesn’t actually negatively impact sales.”

Most teenage coomers wont care about anything, they also wont feel offended if every playable character from now in is a germanic chad, because most people dont think about anything, they just react to stimulae, that is all, most people are npc’s just following orders, i really dont see how this helps your cause, you’re a degenerate and im anti-degeneracy, for you to claim that people being npc’s favors you is moronic.

“Go outside and take a breath of fresh air, then ponder on why you’re so upset about this.”

I had just gotten back from working out when i wrote my previous reply, im from Argentina, dunno where you’re from but you dont live in the real world.

By: PB Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:31:24 +0000 In reply to Alin..

Cool. You don’t need my opinion for me to reply.

By: PB Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:15:40 +0000 In reply to juanme555.

Lmao this is just sad.

Because by your own reasoning, companies that cater to this portion of the market will go bankrupt anyways, since ROI is supposedly bad.

If that’s indeed the case, there’s no need to have an aneurysm anytime a PC is female because this is would be a self-solving problem.

Yet here you are, crying that a single game doesn’t cater to your “tastes”.

The big flaw in your reasoning is that you assume any male player will refuse to buy a game if it has a female PC. But most gamers aren’t manchildren (just a few on this site) who throw a hissyfit when the PC doesn’t look like them. So it doesn’t actually negatively impact sales.

Go outside and take a breath of fresh air, then ponder on why you’re so upset about this.

By: juanme555 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:05:53 +0000 In reply to PB.

But it is, because my sample size is fairly mundane, its not exceptional at all.

I know what the norm is because i’ve talked with the women who’ve aproached me at work, or hanging out with my friends, or just seeing how classmates behave, people are degenerate, women are people too, therefore, women are also degenerate.

You cant hide the sun with your thumb, when are you going to accept it? My reality isn’t exceptional, you’re a normie npc first world leftist, it is YOU who lives in the exceptional bubble you absolute DAFT GENIUS, maybe you live in the heart of San Francisco and you see a lot of girls streaming valorant or something, idk…. THAT is what is not representative of reality, what im telling you is representative of reality, the mere fact that i have to be this patient and explain such basic stuff to you just goes out to show who’s the one living in a bubble.

By: juanme555 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:00:10 +0000 In reply to PB.

You are the one who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, the female market may have less competition, but it also has a far lower return on investment, and AAA games are very expensive to develop and market today, but specially, the type of game that Returnal is….is a market that is probably more like 99% male public, the only genuine flaghship AAA game women had ever had a real hold on was The Sims , otherwise, you’ll only see women who are trying to make a career out of a first person shooter, this is specially true for games like CSGO, Valorant or Overwatch, sub 1% women audience, and when you run into them, most of the times, they’re trying to stream on twitch, almost impossible to find a woman playing csgo who isn’t trying to grow her Twitch or YT channel, who’s just playing the game.

No, you are the one putting all markets into 1 giant basket, you wouldn’t pander to another public, ultimately, Ferrari doesn’t pander to Honda Civic buyers and Honda Civic design team doesn’t pander to Ferrari buyers.

So CLEARLY, this developer team doesn’t care for profit because they think they dont need it, they think if they pander hard enough, they will get an injection of woke capital by some vulture venture capitalist.

But make no mistake, AT NO POINT does anyone CARE about women in all this, not out of spite, but because how can you care about someone who’s not there? WOMEN DONT PLAY THESE GAMES, Can you not see it? You are not their shining knight, there is no pricess to rescue you absolute fkn BOT

By: juanme555 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 17:01:24 +0000 In reply to PB.

Who are you to determine what women are good and bad? im describing you how the NORMAL women, REAL LIFE women in the real world are and you are essentially saying they are bad, i would agree but i REALLY dont think that’s what you’re supposed to say, you should rethink what you just said.

By: PB Thu, 02 Jun 2022 16:18:31 +0000 In reply to juanme555.

I’m saying you’re painting with a broad brush.

It sounds like you need better women in your life.

By: Alin. Thu, 02 Jun 2022 16:18:19 +0000 In reply to PB.

I know. lol. I was joking.

By: juanme555 Thu, 02 Jun 2022 16:17:20 +0000 In reply to PB.

dont know what you’re talking about, this is literally what all my highschool classmates were doing 7 years ago, not to mention all of my girl cousins, the girls in my hood, what do you think girls are doing? do you think they are staying home reading socrates while they upload tik toks hyping vaush, destiny and bernie sanders??? you cant possibly be this daft
