cyberpunk 2077 general header screenshot

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed once again, now launching on November 19th

CD Projekt Red decided once again to delay the upcoming first-person role-playing game, Cyberpunk 2077. This is probably very disappointing for the players, since Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated titles of the year. Although we all knew this was probably going to happen anyway.

According to the tweet, CDPR doesn’t want to ship an unfinished game. While all the gameplay elements are in the game, the team wants to further polish it. It’s obvious that CDPR wants to avoid what happened with The Witcher 3 during its buggy/glitchy launch period.

They’re also fully aware that making such a decision might cost them player trust, and trading trust for additional time is a very hard decision for a game developer.

This is the second time that CD Projekt RED delays Cyberpunk 2077. Funny thing is that the game was originally meant to come out in April 2020.

Lastly, they want to apologize for making players wait longer, and they believe in the end it will all worth it.

You can read the tweet announcing the delay from CD Projekt Red below.

Cyberpunk 2077 will now launch on November 19th. CD Projekt RED may also reveal some new gameplay footage on June 25th, during its Night City Wire Event.

Chris was born in the early 80’s along with the very birth of home gaming. After spending many maaany drachmas on arcades, his father decided to buy him a PC instead of going bankrupt. He lived through the advancing and development of the gaming industry, having played TONS of games on all platforms. He is always honest and will never hesitate to give his true opinion on a game no matter what. Loves stealth games and dislikes microtsansactions, DLC and pre-ordering…who doesn’t after all?! Contact: Email