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Among Us gets a new update and roadmap

A new update is available for the multiplayer social deduction game, Among Us. Innersloth, the developers of the game, have posted the details of the update on their blog. According to them, they are fully aware of the issues regarding cheating and hacking. They are planning to release more server updates to fix all the problems.

The update adds an anonymous voting option, task bar modes, symbols to fix wires task, and cosmetics to meeting screen. The update also contains various bug fixes, along with a first pass on colorblind support. They will continue monitoring it to see how it performs.

Innersloth provided a roadmap as well, though its currently unofficial. That is because the developers want to tackle what they think the game needs most. However, they want to share some of the big things they are planning, without of course promising anything.

They are hoping to get accounts into the game by December, which will allow players to report accounts. They are also working on a new map that is bigger than Polus. The new map will contain a bunch of new tasks, and it will be available for free.

Since the game is currently only translated into a few languages, the developers are planning on getting professional translations into multiple languages. They also want to thank all the people offering to translate, but according to them they got it under control.

Chris was born in the early 80’s along with the very birth of home gaming. After spending many maaany drachmas on arcades, his father decided to buy him a PC instead of going bankrupt. He lived through the advancing and development of the gaming industry, having played TONS of games on all platforms. He is always honest and will never hesitate to give his true opinion on a game no matter what. Loves stealth games and dislikes microtsansactions, DLC and pre-ordering…who doesn’t after all?! Contact: Email